Welcome to Strata Consulting
We’re a team of experienced and dedicated consultants with specific skill sets in business analysis, compliance and transformational change. We specialise in Digital Delivery Projects, Business Change & Transformation and Compliance within Financial Services, Professional Services and Transportation sectors.
What We Do
Strata Consulting services organizations of all sizes from startups to enterprises. Our passion for delivering value and quality work helps turn our prospects into happy customers.
We work well together and we work well with our clients. We fit into any existing team and have a reputation for being uncomplicated, easy company, professional and particularly passionate about what we do. We really do always go the extra mile, always deliver on time and always match our promises with the desired outcomes of the project.
Analysis and Design
Our business analysis service examines the current position of your organisation in terms of what it needs to facilitate progress. Our programme identifies appropriate requirements and defines and validates solutions in order to meet those needs.
Recruitment and Training
Our recruitment and training service specialises in providing fully qualified and experienced professionals, with varied industry background and experience, that work closely with your BAU team to achieve organisational success.
Compliance Consulting
GDPR, MiFID II and EU ePrivacy Regulation are only a few of the compliance hurdles that organisations have to go through today. We work closely with compliance teams with the correct application of methodologies and data management techniques to support your compliance journey.
Transformational Change
We’ve worked on both local and global transformational change programmes working with key stakeholders, subject matter experts, suppliers, clients and professional bodies to help to bring early stability to the project and delivering effective ways of communicating the new way of working.
Recent Work
As part of the change management process we worked with key stakeholders to identify best practice principles and how to communicate the change across teams in the UK and more recently, into Western Europe.
Transport for London (TfL)
The PYRAMID team was established as one of the key mitigating actions to address TfL’s top 2 strategic risks associated with the delivery of the Investment Programme. We joined the team as analysis and design partners to deliver the business requirements of the project at various stage in its lifecycle.
ERS is a specialist motor insurer based in the UK. We were part of its 2015 transformation project, assisting in the analysis and change management of the business consolidation into two locations – London and Swansea, which included significantly expanding its Operations Centre in Wales.
KPMG is a Big 4 Professional Services organisation in the UK. We worked as part of the delivery team for numerous digital projects, providing expertise and third party resources. Projects included workforce analytics, pensions management, unstructured data analytics and cloud services.
Contact Us
Interested in any of our services, or in working with us? Use the contact form below.
111 New Union Street
Coventry, CV1 2NT.
United Kingdom
[email protected]